Why You NEED Lard and How to Make it!
Its a total mystery how this amazing superfood has gotten a less than deserving rap in recent years. After all, my grandparents lived...

The Secret to Perfectly Peeled Hardboiled Eggs!
It’s the perfect time of year for deviled eggs and egg salad sandwiches. Hardboiled eggs are also a nutritious snack or a quality...

The Chicken Recipe Your Kids Will LOVE!
Cooking for kids can be challenging. You spend time in the kitchen making something fabulous and they want nothing to do with it. It...

Easy Chicken Thaw
Easy Quick Chicken Thaw You will have no problem quickly and easily thawing a whole chicken with this simple method. Once you learn how...

Pastured Pork-What Makes it So Good?
Cristo Rey Farm Pork -Our Methods- Our pork is produced free-ranging on pasture using managed rotational grazing which means we move them...

“Taste and Much More Than Taste!!”
"All my kids wanted to eat for dinner was your chicken!" "I had two chickens in my fridge, one store bought and one from your farm. I...