Easy Chicken Thaw

Easy Quick Chicken Thaw
You will have no problem quickly and easily thawing a whole chicken with this simple method.
Once you learn how to do it, cooking using whole birds is a breeze.
Thaw and cook 2 at a time to make meal prep less of a hassle for meal prep the rest of your week.
Eat one and then debone the other for using in other recipes.
The chicken is so good, that your family may want to eat them both right away!!
Chicken Quick Thaw
Remove bird from freezer and cut a hole on drumstick side of packaging (to let warm water into carcass)
Put whole packaged frozen bird(s) in large pot of hot water
Leave pot on counter for 20 minutes (for one bird, this may be enough time)
Dump cooled water and add more hot water
Allow pastured chicken to sit until inside is thawed.
Remove BPA-free packaging and dry bird to season.
Cook as desired!